What’s The Word on Wordle?

If you have logged into Facebook at all during 2022, chances are your feed is flooded with random numbers and these three emojis: ⬛️🟨🟩. This might seem like a secret code but in reality it is the newest word game craze: Wordle. We at For The Love of Technology have finally caved and started playing it and let me tell you, the hype is real.

Wordle is a daily word puzzle game that is Scrabble meets Password. You are given 6 chances to correctly guess the 5 letter “Wordle” of the day using nothing but your brain. After guessing a word each letter is given a black, yellow, or green highlight. The black background means that the letter is not in the word at all, and to stop using them. Yellow letters are in the word but not in that position, and green letters are in the word AND in the right spot.

This game is simple enough to not cause us to rage quit yet challenging enough to be a great way to kickstart your day or relax before bed. And, if you use the desktop version, there is one puzzle every day. This way you will not be sucked into the Wordle rabbit hole and lose hours of your day.

After you solve the puzzle for the day you can choose to share your results on social media. Wordle takes the results of your game and turns it into a post automatically; with the date, puzzle number, and how many guesses out of 6 it took to get it. Below the string of numbers are rows of square emojis that correspond to the letter squares you played earlier.

If that hasn’t convinced you to hop over to https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ here are some tips and tricks to get over those Wordle hurdles.

“I keep a scratch paper next to me to try out different combinations before typing in, since you can't skip squares while you're thinking." -Allison

"Strategize and use process of elimination. Start with a typical five letter word. Determine which letters were useful and work from there." -Cherie

"I tried ADIEU first a lot, so I can figure out the vowels." -Alison

"Honestly, I just start with the first five letter word that comes to mind each morning!" -Jennifer

So whether you are a master code breaker or casual puzzle solver, there is something about Wordle that is for everyone. Click on the button below to be directed to Wordle’s website and start guessing!